About Us
St. Peter’s mission is to grow disciples of Jesus Christ and to make waves of difference in the world by spreading the story of God’s love and salvation.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we seek to create and nurture enthusiastic ministry, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ; growing deeper in faith as we celebrate in wide open worship, learning and studying together and reaching out to the world with God’s inclusive, all-embracing love. This love makes a difference in us, in our families, in our communities and especially in God’s world.
Our Beliefs
The St. Peter’s family is focused on two principles that guide our Christian lives and represent our core beliefs.

Anchored in Our Faith
Anchors allow ships to weather the storms that may come at any time. Anchors also stop boats from drifting in the open sea. St. Peter’s is a place where people grow closer to God and to each other. We are anchored in the Bible, which draws us into a deep relationship with God. This relationship sees us through when rough seas come into our lives. Just like an anchor, our relationship with the Creator keeps us from drifting away and centers us on what is really important.
Making Waves
Our anchor gives us the security, strength, and ability to go about Making Waves throughout the world. We make waves when we show the love, justice, and grace that God has provided us. There is so much need in this world. Together we learn to tell the story of Jesus and the salvation he brings. Our outreach ministries provide food, shelter, comfort, and support to others. When we engage in our community, we become the hands and feet of Christ’s love.

Our Staff

Whitney Hanna

Amando Quijano-Hernandez
Facilities Assistant