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Wednesdays During Lent


Join us at 12:10pm every Wednesday from March 4th thru April 1st.

John Bate along with other musicians from St. Peter's and guest artists will present music for the season after each meditation. Jennifer Bowman will feed us well with soup each week.

FREE English Classes

Beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels are welcome.

Classes and books are free!

Classes start October 1
Meeting every Tuesday—6:30 to 8 pm

Learners can join at any time.

Classes meet at
St. Peter’s Church

8th Street & Central Avenue

Ocean City, NJ

Advanced registration not required

Sponsored by St. Peter’s United Methodist Church and Ocean City Free Public Library

Grief Support Group

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Matthew 5:4

The Grief Support Group is open to any adult who is grieving the death of a loved one. The group warmly welcomes you to join a safe and caring gathering.

It is a time to share your story, to tell of your grief and talk of your loved one. It is a place where you may express your feelings, without judgment, nor fixing. Everything is confidential and you, as well, are privileged and entrusted with the heart-felt stories of others. No matter when your loss, it is healing to acknowledge its place in your life.

We meet all year round...every other Tuesday at 7:00 in the Mary Mohr room on the 2nd floor. You do not need to be a church member, nor from Ocean City. You are welcomed. Come once...come always.

We can’t promise to take away your pain, but we can honor it and walk through it with you, hand in hand, heart to heart.

If you have questions call Jane 609-601-8015 or the church office 609-399-2988

Volunteer Opportunities

We have many opportunities for you to serve the church:

Sunday School

Jr Church


Youth Ministries

Vacation Bible School

Small Group Leaders

...and more!

If you want to volunteer for any of our children, youth and family ministries, please email

Food Cupboard Volunteer Needed

The Ocean City Ecumenical Council Food Cupboard is currently in need of a volunteer from St. Peters to help out on the first Monday of each month.

The hours are 1 to 3 PM, and other volunteers would be there for training.

If you would be interested in helping out, for just two hours a month, please contact Candy Young at 609-408-4786. Thank you.

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St. Peter's United Methodist Church

501 E. 8th St., Ocean City, NJ 08226
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