Sunday School
Sunday School Every Sunday at 10AM
Bring your kids and plan to participate yourself, stay after the Contemporary Service, or come early for the Traditional Service.
Children’s Classes from Pre-K to 12th Grade
A new curriculum called “Dig In” features music videos, object lessons, Bible time, games and much more.
Adult Classes
Serving on Sundays is for adults who want to help with meaningful mission and service projects from 10-11AM each Sunday. Meeting in the Fox Room, opportunities include:
Assembling UMCOR relief kits
Acting as pew engineers
Preparing for ACUP making peanut butter & jelly sandwiches
Performing other tasks around the church
Sit down tasks are available and all are welcome.
Bible Study
Pastor Terry Lothian will be teaching an adult Bible Study going through the book of Romans. (Mary Marr Room)
Topped Off – a fresh approach to Adult Sunday School
Join Mark & Stacey Thompson for coffee and donuts in the Stainton room. Informal and topical, Topped Off has no curriculum and no makeup work. Each week starts with a devotion or Bible verse and a discussion in the context of current events, that week’s sermon, or wherever the group is led.
Topped Off is a safe and comforting place where friendships blossom, questions get answered, and everyone learns from each other. The more diverse the group the better, so whether you’re new to the church, a lifelong member, or anything in between - we want to “top off” our Sunday with you.