About Tai Chi
Sometimes called “meditation in motion,” Tai Chi promotes serenity through gentle movements that connect the body, mind and the spirit. These graceful movements help to promote health by improving balance, becoming more aware of your body, toning muscles to support joints, becoming more flexible, and reducing stress. Movements are good for arthritis, circulation, posture, breathing, digestion and helping to reduce pain.
Each class begins and ends with scripture, all music are hymns and the day ends with prayer along with Joys and Concerns. Classes are nondenominational and everyone is welcome. Our classes provide friendship, companionship, support in times of need, hugs, compassion and lots of love to everyone. It’s a wonderful place to start your day.
Tai Chi does ministries by providing food for the food cupboard, making sandwiches for The Branches, sending volunteers to ACUP, and delivering flowers to shut-ins with a visit on Mondays.
Learning Tai Chi is a continuous process and a lifetime journey.