The biblical Queen Esther was challenged to act with these words from her mentor: You have been placed here “For such a time as this.” Now, St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, with a century and a half of Christian witness in Ocean City, continues to move ahead. This is the time to act bold in faith, wide in hope, and deep in love, as we shape our future together.
Capital Campaign
The goal is $500,000 to address immediate and far-ranging needs, some the result of COVID and some to maintain the ministries.
Update 50-year-old restrooms with automatic fixtures and no-touch equipment
Replace 65-year-old steam pipe heating system in the Sanctuary
Provide adequate ventilation, heating, and cooling in the Stainton second floor where children’s and youth activities are held.
Use the matching gift Sunday offerings to support the ongoing ministries of St. Peter’s UMC
Your Part
Ask God what your goal should be in addition to your regular support of the church. Prayerfully consider giving at one of these levels: