Monday, August 15th - Friday, August 19th
Bible Stories Ü Adventures Ü Science Ü Crafts Ü Recreation
Worship With Us
Sunday, January 3rd
Contemporary Worship at 9am
Traditional Worship at 11am
Social distancing & masks required
Reservations required to attend
Capacity is limited to 100 tickets for each service
COVID precautions are mandatory, so we require masks, social distancing, and no food or drinking inside. We'll direct movement and disinfect the building. Please fellowship with masks outside the church after the service.
Enter through the Red Doors on Central Avenue unless you need the elevator, then enter through the door facing the Wesley Avenue parking lot.
Worship With Us
Christmas Eve
Contemporary Candlelight Worship
Join us for this festive celebration!
Carols and Christmas tunes led by our band, kids time, prayer, an inspiring Christmas message of hope, and candlelight in this worship celebration for the whole family.
In-person worship times: 3pm, 5pm & 7pm
Livestreaming worship at 7pm
Social distancing & masks required
Reservations required to attend
Capacity is limited to 100 tickets for each service
Traditional Candlelight Worship
Join us for this time-honored celebration!
Hymns and carols, bells, choir, prayer, an inspiring Christmas message of hope, and candlelight in this traditional United Methodist worship celebration.
In-person worship times: 1pm, 9pm & 11pm
Livestreaming worship at 11pm
COVID precautions will be in place, so we require masks, social distancing, and no food or drinking inside. We encourage you to fellowship with masks on outside after the service.
We'll have people directing movement and disinfecting the building. Please enter through the Red Doors on Central Avenue unless you need the elevator, then enter through the door facing the Wesley Avenue parking lot.
INDOOR Contemporary Worship
Sunday, December 20th at 9AM
Contemporary Worship will be held in the Sanctuary with advance reservations required. COVID precautions will be in place, so we require masks, social distancing, and no food or drinking inside. We encourage you to fellowship with masks on outside after the service. Weekly communion will be offered. Please refer to the "What to Expect" video from the reopening of the 11am service for the same guidelines for our 9am service.
We're opening in compliance with New Jersey health mandates. We'll have people directing movement and disinfecting the building. Please enter through the Red Doors on Central Avenue unless you need the elevator, then enter through the door facing the Wesley Avenue parking lot.
Reservations required to attend
Capacity is limited to 100 tickets
Social distancing & masks required
INDOOR Worship Service
Sunday, December 20th at 11AM
Reservations required to attend
Capacity is limited to 100 tickets
Social distancing & masks required
We're opening in compliance with New Jersey health mandates. Masks are required and social distancing protocols will be in place for entry, worship and exiting. We'll have people directing movement and disinfecting the building. Please enter through the Red Doors on Central Avenue unless you need the elevator, then enter through the door facing the Wesley Avenue parking lot.
Palm Sunday Concert
for the
Children of the Ukraine
Presented by St. Peter's Choir, the Missions Committee
and Kids with a Mission
Brunch in the Stainton Room at 1pm
Concert at 3:00pm
A love offering will be taken.
St. Peter's Choir
Beth Nardone and Robert Snodgrass
Organist - Scott Briener
John Bate, Conducts the Choir
Maurice Durufle's "Requiem"
Email with name and number attending.
Classes for children (K-12th grade) and adults
Serving on Sundays Class - help with missions & service projects during the Sunday School Hour.
Sunday School Every Sunday at 10AM
The United Methodist Women are now taking orders for flowers to be placed in the gardens surrounding the church.
The cost is $15.00 each and they can be given in memory or honor of loved ones. The deadline to place orders is May 18, 2020.
The flowers will be used throughout the summer and fall to beautify the church gardens!
Send your order form (below) and check made out to "St. Peter's UMW" to
Ginny Strang, 3705 Asbury Ave, Ocean City, NJ 08226
All in-person meetings at St. Peter's UMC have been cancelled and the building will be closed to the public until further notice.
We continue to monitor the news and we are meeting and talking as staff and leaders to see what we can do to be of assistance to our community during this time. This is a time that brings much stress and concern. We understand that there are so many more questions than there are answers. Yet, we will continue to do what we can to provide answers and resources to you in the most efficient ways that we can.
The biblical Queen Esther was challenged to act with these words from her mentor: You have been placed here “For such a time as this.” Now, St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, with a century and a half of Christian witness in Ocean City, continues to move ahead. This is the time to act bold in faith, wide in hope, and deep in love, as we shape our future together.
College-bound Students
Apply for the Asbury Scholarship
Students attending college or graduate school in September 2020, can apply for an Asbury Scholarship Award. Members and friends of St. Peter's have donated funds to provide this financial assistance.
As a church family, we celebrate our students future goals and wish God's continued blessings upon them. Scholarships are for members of St. Peter's UMC and Macedonia UMC.
School Supplies Needed
While we can't host our annual Carnival in August, we still want to bless our community with much needed school supplies! Due to COVID-19, students will need two sets of supplies, so our mission is more important than ever! Be sure to say a prayer for the students receiving your donation as you drop it off at the church!
Collection Times: Tuesdays-Thursdays from 10am-2pm
Location: Wesley Parking Lot door.
Items needed include rulers, scissors, glue sticks, Dixon Ticonderoga pencils, crayons and folders
Pastor's Letter: Rescinding Covid-19 Restrictions
November 12, 2021
Greetings Church,
“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”. Isaiah 40:31
I thank God for each of you, your faithfulness, and your commitment to care for the most vulnerable and the children of our congregation. Over the past two months you have graciously returned to the inconvenience of masking during all church gatherings. Your Christian love has been exemplary. Now that vaccine boosters are available for vulnerable adults, vaccines are available for children, and Cape May County has downgraded the transmissibility risk from high to moderate, the church council is confident in making the following changes. Please read through the changes carefully.
Effective immediately, the masking requirement for church worship and gatherings, outside groups and events, and staff and volunteers has been rescinded.
Wearing masks is still highly recommended, but no longer required. Anyone who desires to wear a mask should continue to do so in any and all church gatherings.
Contemporary worship will continue to require masks for a few weeks to allow families ample time to vaccinate their children under 12.
Ministry leaders (of small groups, teams, studies, etc.) may still require masks at their discretion.
Together we continue to face uncertain times with boldness, courage, and care for one another.
In Christ,
8:00am Worship & Communion
in our Sanctuary
Reflective music, prayer, Scripture, an engaging Christ-centered message, and communion.
9:00am Contemporary Worship
in the Stainton Room
Uplifting praise music, prayer, Scripture, and an inspiring Christ-centered message you can take with you all week.
Join Us Sundays at St. Peter's
11:00am Traditional Worship
in our Sanctuary
Organ and choir music, hymns, prayer, Scripture and a faith-enriching Christ-centered message to inspire you all week long.